Shark BTC 6-Day 8/6
Annual Return
3% ~ 26.5%Product duration
6 DAYSRemaining amount
0.641 BTC97.86%
Basic Concept
Expiration date price
DeribitBTC/USD index price in option expiration date 16:00(UTC+8)
Underlying Asset Price
Deribit BTC/USD index price
Investor Return Type
Case 1: If the price is lower than 10500 or greater than 12500, your return will be 3%
Case 2:If the price is between 10500 and 12500, your annual return will be caculated within 23.5%-26.5%, and more closer to 12500 more profit you will get.
Subscription Start Time
Subscription Cut-off Time
Issue Time
Maturity Time
Settlement Time